Looking for a group at Crossroads?
Here’s some info on how to use our Group Finder:


ONE: There are three different types of groups:

  • Community Groups (formerly called “small groups”),
    where you grow together.

  • Mission Groups, where you serve together.

  • Communities on Mission (“CoM” for short), where you grow AND serve together. You can read detailed CoM descriptions by clicking the button below.


TWO: You can join any time of the year!

Most of these groups are ongoing with no defined start or stop dates, though many groups take breaks in the summer months.

THREE: Clicking “JOIN” doesn’t commit you to anything right away.

After you click “join” and enter your information, a leader of that group will reach out to you. Questions about any of the groups? Email Pastor Liz at lizpowers@crossroadsnaz.org.